Necessity is the mother of invention. K.M martial art was developed as a result of the on-going history of attacks against Israel and Israelis.
K.M was created from a combination of traditional martial arts such as: Karate, Jiu-jitsu, Judo, Thai boxing, which were modified and adapted to the Israeli needs. The IDF and the Israeli police force have adapted to this system. It has therefore been implemented by the elite Israeli forces and has endlessly justified in hand-to-hand combat.

K.M is a ‘user friendly’ method suitable for both male and female, who want to be able to protect themselves from unpredictable situations. However, it was developed specifically to provide protection from terrorists. K.M is a tool for personal protection and does not include cults, bows or ceremonies. It is not only beneficial for people who are involved in areas of security, but is also important for the general public who seek more confidence.
There are several levels of K.M and these are taught to students according to their needs and abilities which is decided by the instructor.